jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Rubrics for Physical education

I’ve found an interesting web page to evaluate Your kids using rubrics
I hope you find it useful
Marta Liaño

Online rubrics

If you don’t know how to evaluate using rubrics have a look at the following web site 

Marta Liaño

Specific rubrics for specific sports

This web site is more for high school teachers but you can get some ideas
Marta Liaño

Physical Education website

This web site is really useful and above all it is updated
 it is the first time that I have seen an assesment program like in which records a student's performance then analyzes the performance to give an overall score.
It is amazing
Marta Liaño


This is one of the best places to get ideas and to Share yours 
Marta Liaño


This is another useful tool for assessment.
With this tool students can create their videos to share with you, teacher can monitor students, communicate with families and other teachers.
Very useful for P.E activities.
In the following link there is a teacher's guide https://static.flipgrid.com/docs/Teacher_Guide.pdf 
And this is a video tutorial https://player.vimeo.com/video/285354491
Try with the students and share your opinions about this tool.

Assessment tools

Wow we have amazing assessment resources for Physical Education in this forum. Thanks a lot Marta for sharing with us.
I'd like to share some general ones, that we can apply not only in P.E but also in other contexts or subjects.
I'm sure you already know some online tools for assessment:
are the most popular ones, but there are many others.
Share with us your activities with these tools or with others.
I leave here a link with a very interesting blog where you can find a lot of digital tools, videotutorials and practical activities teacher have created.

Advantages of CLIL

It´s really important to know why the CLIL methodology is used and how it works so I hope with the next link you´ll find the right answer 
Marta Liaño

General Guidelines of a bilingual Section

General Guidelines of a bilingual Section in English and a Teaching unit of P.E
Marta Liaño

Christmas is coming

Hello everyone,
Here I share some Christmas activities and games that you can play with your students in P.E.
Laura Riesco

Thanksgiving activities

Are you looking for new cultural activities?
Let's celebrate Thanksgiving.
Thanking about the things we have is necessary at any time of the year, but now we have a good opportunity to exploit this.
Here you have different resources to develop a lesson about Thanksgiving.

Multicultural games

Hello everybody, 
Here you are a good link to get more ideas about cultural activities 
Marta Liaño

Halloween is coming

Hi everyone,
I'm sure many of you are already preparing some Halloween activities.
Here I send a very easy one to connect Science with this festivity.
How to make a pumpkin lava lamp: https://www.science-sparks.com/pumpkin-lava-lamps/ 

How do you connect Physical Education with this festivity?
Hope you like it.

Bobbing for apples game.
Try also this activity, it's a typical game in Halloween and suitable for the P.E class.

Laura Riesco

Cognition article

Here you are a very interesting article about cognition and how you can put it into Practice
Marta Liaño

C for Cognition

Cognition is difficult concept to grasp and develeop when planning a lesson. Quite often there is wide gap between the students' cognition and their linguistic abilities.
The students can be confronted by complex concepts which they are able to grasp cognitively but they might lack the linguistic means to express their understanding. To overcome such a mismatch, teachers have to carefully plan what language they need to introduce in order to make learning and thinking possible for the learners without turning the CLIL lesson into a language lesson.
The relationship between language and cognition (thinking and understanding) is complex.
However what we do know is that effective learning involves cognitive challenge and feedback (assessment for learning).
In CLIL settings it is essential to ensure that the language does not get in the way of understanding whilst at the same time it can itself be cognitively demanding. Cummins developed a matrix for exploring the relationship between cognition and language. This has been adapted for CLIL settings. The matrix is a useful tool to audit teaching materials.
The greatest challenge for CLIL teachers is to develop materials and tasks which are linguistically accessible whilst being cognitively demanding.

Laura Riesco

Resources for cognition

The best way to develop cognition skills with the students is creating mindmaps.
Here you have a digital tool to create your own mindmaps, it's easy to use and very useful.
For more information here you have some tutorials https://www.mindmup.com/tutorials/index.html
Hope you like it
Laura Riesco

Verbal and non verbal communication in P.E

Hi everybody, 
I have found an interesting article about verbal and non-verbal activities in physical education. I hope you´ll enjoy it. 
Marta Liaño

Interesting and useful web

Hi everybody, 
Here you are a very interesting web page. I hope you find it useful 
Marta Liaño


As you have seen in the contents of this module, a good way to develop listening and understanding skills is using videos.
This is a very useful digital tool to use videos with your students, it lets you make a monitorization of the students and create comprehension activities while they watch it.

I hope it's useful for you.
Laura Riesco

Cross curricular activities in P.E

Here you are an interesting article 
I hope it helps you to understand better this unit.
Marta Liaño

PE blogs

Hi everyone,
I'd like to share this interesting blog with lesson plannings and activities on CLIL for P.E.
I'm sure you'll have fantastic ideas for the course and for your classes.
I hope you like it.
Laura Riesco

CLIL units

 Here you are a very useful link.
Enjoy it!
Marta Liaño

P.E websites

This is an incredible link! You´ll find a lot of websites and what is more you´ll learn lots of new words, expressions…

Marta Liaño

Primary resources

This web link is pretty good and it’s not only for P. E. I hope you find it interesting
Have a nice weekend!!!
Marta Liaño